J Sampath is the Managing Director of JB Soft System, running the organisation successfully since 2001, with more than 2000 clients, He supports his clients through his services like Web solutions, Web consultancy, sharing Best Business practices.
Many of his clients know him as the master of Checklists and systems, His meticulous approach in acquisition of new clients through systematic follow-up has gained all this 2000 clients.
Sharing the business best practices to his clients and providing the required solution to promote their businesses is the main focus of J Sampath, he shares his views on doing Business effectively by using available technological resources through forums, one on one meetings, TV channels, etc.
Here on LiveChennai.com he has committed to share his thoughts and triggers to our readers, we believe his values and thoughts will make positive impact on many business. Follow this Business section, as it is not just Business tips, It will be Business empowering Business mantras and tools to you.