The power of contemporary media is potent to change people’s lives, and I believe that as responsible citizens who’ve been blessed with success ought to leverage the same to communicate with people and exchange thoughts and lessons. I strive to use every opportunity to make myself available to media channels to share my thoughts on issues and aspects where I believe I have something to contribute to the society. I’ve delivered talks on issues such as ‘effective online business tools’ for entrepreneurs to benefit from the same, conducted seminars to spread awareness about emerging job opportunities in and around the state, and also shared my understanding and opinions about niche IT aspects such as security threats to computers and web networks.

Kalaignar News Live Program

video-screenshot-1Talked live “Effective Online Business Tools” on Vanigam Vasapadum in Kalaignar news.

video-screenshot-2Answered many queries from callers. It was an informative experience for many viewers.

video-screenshot-3Invited for a special program to talk about “The Worm Stuxnet” that is attacking computers world wide.

Jaya TV Live Program

Gave a presentation on online business in a live show called “Dial Jaya TV” on Jaya TV.

Interacted with the viewers that called in to ask doubts.

Featured in multiple episodes in a Jaya TV Show “Good Morning Tamilzha”. Talked about the various job opportunities available.