From personal computers to business computers, apart from Windows OS, every computer has Ms-Office suite which consists of Word, Excel, Powerpoint…
Most Students, Individual and Business rely on these software for their activity, from drafting letters to maintaining the data. The technology evolved and steadily the solutions moved to the cloud, Now we have the GApps – Google Docs, which is a boon to business.
All your Letter composing, Document preparation, Data sheets can be maintained online, and the greatest advantage is that you can share these files to any other gmail user or GApps user to collaborate the work.
You can also save a lot of money from not spending on costly software licenses. This cloud based Google Docs help businesses to create, manage the Letters, spreadsheets, presentation and Forms online.
Mobile Apps are also available to manage the docs, files on your devices.
Explore these tools, learn and grow your business by using these tools that are available online.